Journal Topics - March 2020

Topics in the March 2020 Issue:

The latest issue of the Journal contains contribution from Keith Klugman, once again a great effort in preparing three important articles, and in the case of one of these, substantial input from Roger Porter, Bram Leeflang and Simon Solomon.

An Itinerant Parson and Maps of the Western and Eastern Cape present two covers sent to the Reverend Hofmeyr and the locations where he lived around the Cape, in at least three different towns over a 19 year period.

Three interesting items from Zululand, two of which throw some light on aspects of the postal system and a third with links to historic figures appeared in a recent Spink Auction and are examined in more detail.

Emil Carl Christensen Tamsen is known for the Tamsen covers which are frequently available at auction or from dealers; less is known about him personally or of his career which the article redresses.

Keith Klugman has worked on three further Natal articles The Ede Correspondence with which many Natal collectors will be familiar since the covers seem to be abundantly available, the conclusion to the Census of the use of 1869 Natal provisional “Postage” overprints and an article prepared together with Roger Porter and Bram Leeflang, the Earliest Recorded Printed Picture on Natal Postal Stationery.

A Rare Sea Mail Cover from Ceylon is a further contribution from me, while Bram Leeflang concludes the Journal with further information on POA 42.

Simon Solomon
Honorary Editor

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Rael Solomon